Welcome to CFL Film Supply! Through CFL Film Supply we make film available to you for some of the cheapest prices in Canada. We do this as just another way of saying thank you to clients of Canadian Film Lab. How much does it cost to join CFL Supply? It’s free, and available exclusively to active* clients of Canadian Film Lab. Unfortunately, due to export restrictions, we are not able to ship film products outside of Canada.
To access the online store and purchase film, you’ll need to log in or register for a CFL Film Supply account by creating a username and password. When you register, we’ll verify your account and—provided that you’re an active Canadian Film Lab client* and in Canada—we’ll give your account full access to the store.
This is a soft launch with reduced stock availability, but most Kodak C41 is already in stock, with b&w to follow, plus Fuji, Ilford, Lomography and Flic Film soon!
Questions? Please email hello@canadianfilmlab.com
*We aim to be your lab for life! As an “active” client, you will have sent a film processing order to us in the past 9 months, and you plan to continue sending your film to us for processing.